2012, BMX Magazines world wide
BMX Newspapers ánd Magazine world-wide from the early days, which made a difference.
Updated June 2012.
Ofcourse we will start with BMX magazines and papers from the USA, the country were BMX / Bicycle Moto-Cross as we know it, originated.
Bicycle Motocross Action was one of the first magazines I got a subscription on. This magazine started in 1976 and Bob Osborn was thé man behind this mag. Bob acted as Publisher/Editor, Windy was his Staff Photograher and Scot Breitahupt Associate Editor. Bob Haro got involved as Staff Artist. A unique magazine wiht good stories and fantastic pictures. Down below you can see how over time, the magazine changed, at first their logo from Bicycle Motocross Action into BMX Action and later on into GO, the rider's manual. At the time their saying was: BICYCLE MOTOCROSS ACTION = EQUIPMENT. And that it was.
December 1977 May 1982 April 1986
During time Bob Osborn became Publisher only and Craig "Gork" Barrette started as Editor. The Staff in all departments grew from about 11 people towards about 18 people.
December 1989 February 1990 April 1990
Around ending 80's Bob Osborn was Publisher and President of the company, Craig "Gork" Barette was now acting as Editor in Chief and Bob Haro was no longer involved as Stafff member, Chris "Mad Dog" Moeller became Editor Test Consultant.
BMX PLUS was another very important BMX magazine for the promotion and development of the sport as well as business. My first subscription is from 1979, but as far as I know BMX Plus did see the day of light somewere ending 1977 or early 1978. Jim Stevens the man behind this mag. and acting as Publisher. Mike Aquirre was Assisting Publisher and Advertising Director, well know Charlie Litsky (r.i.p.) acted as Editor of the magazine. Some of the other around 21 people working for this magazine were Mark Pippin and Bob Hadley.
June 1979 January 1980 January 1982
In 1980 the Staff of BMX PLUS expended. Jim Stevens remained Publisher and Mike Aguirre the Publisher Advertising Director, John Ker came in as Photo Prodcution man and Bob Hadley as Editor at Large. Other Staffmembers were Mark Pippin, Ernie Alexander, George Esser, Russ Okawa, Merle Mennenga and Charlie Litsky. As European Editor, Gerrit Does was added to the Staff. At the time PLUS Publications Inc. was lead by Jim Stevens as President.
December 1984 July 1988 September 1998
Later on in 1984 John Ker became Editor. Jim Stevens was no longer involved in BMX PLUS. Besides myself (Gerrit Does) another European Contributor was appointed, Don Smith from England. President and Publisher now was Roland Hinz and William R. Golden as Consultant and Founder.
In 1998 the situation was as follows: Mike Daily now was the Editor, John Ker the Contributing Photographer, Dennis West did Cover Design, Scott Wallenburg acted as Hi-Torque Ad Director and the magazine now was under (Daisy) Hi-Torque Publications Co. (already since 1984) with President and Publisher Roland Hinz.
Here some more magazine on BMX from the USA. You can also see how for instance "Super BMX" develops, changing their front page and such. You can also notice that during trhe 2nd half of 1980, BMX Freestyle is getting more and more popular, also in those magazines.
January 1979 Oct./Nov. 1980 August 1981
July 1982 April 1983 Summer 1984
October 1984 July 1985 December 1987
November 1990 Sept/Oct. 1996
From the beginning, besides BMX magazines, also BMX Newspapers were issued. Mainly the National BMX organisations in the USA started out with Newspapers, later on also some "independent" publishers joined them. Here an oversight during the years. The NBA (National Bicycle Association by Ernie Alexander - California) issued this newspaper for their members, NBA World.
August 1978 April 1978 NBA December 1978
The NBL (National Bicycle Association by George Esser - Florida) also started out with e Newspaper for their members: Bicycles Today. Later they changed to a magazine format. Also the ABA (American Bicycle Association by President Clayton John - Arizona) issued a newspaper for their members. Seen here the issue in which nthey celebrated the 15th anniversary of the ABA (1977-1992).
NBL December 1979 ABA December 1992 ABA December 1993
As we know now, the NBL seized to exist ending 2011 and actualy merged into the ABA. In 2012 the ABA decided to adopt a new name for the newly formed organization: USA BMX saw the day of light in 2012. Both NBL and ABA magazine stopped and a new USA BMX organization magazine was introduced called PULL - OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP MAGAZINE of USA BMX.
As you can see on the following pictures, the NBL changed the name of their newspaper from Bicycles Today in BMX Today. In the December 1999 (number 3 picture) issue the NBL celebrated their 25th anniversary (1974 - 1999) and it was during this years National Congress that founder of the NBL, George E. Esser was the first person to be inducted in the newly started NBL Hall of Fame.
NBL September 1994 NBL June 1996 NBL December 1999
Seen here a couple of BMX newspapers from countries world-wide: Canada, Africa, France and Australia
Canada 1983 South Africa 1983
AFB France 1984 BMX News Aussi 1985
Continue with BMX MAGAZINES world wide.
Last but not least we will go over BMX Magazines world wide from the eaarly days of BMX. Japan BMX Association, run by mr. Tadashi Inoue, was very active in the early dyas of BMX. In Belgium two (2) so-called nationla BMX organisations were active, the B.C.B. (mr. Albert Dekker) and the F.B.B. (mr. Armand Blondiau). Both groups had their own magazine as you can see down here.
1980 Japan 1981 Belgium 1981 Belgium
The NBL - USA changed their format of Bicycles Today and went from a Newspaper to a Magazine type publication
1981 USA 1981 BMX official 1981 France
1981 England
1981 France 1981 Holland 1982 Australia
1982 Belgium 1982 Chili 1982 England
1982 England 1982 France 1982 Germany
1982 Spain 1983 Belgium 1983 Germany
Withwhile mentioning is ofcourse the German BMX Special Magazine with special attention for the Spielberg film E.T. in which BMX bikes played an important role, which was very important for the promotion of BMX and BMX bikes. Allthough the South African BMX Federation wasn't yet a member of the I.BMX.F. at the time, due to the "Apartheid" policy, BMX was growing in South Africa and there even was a National magazine reporting on races and stuff.
1983 Germany 1983 South Africa 1983 Spain
1984 Chili 1984 England 1984 England
1984 France 1984 Germany 1984 Germany
1984 Holland 1984 South Africa 1984 Sweden
1985 England 1985 Holland 1986 Holland
1989 Mexico 1991 England 1991 France
1989 Australia 1989 Mexico 1989 England
1992 England 1992 France 1992 Germany
1993 England 1993 Holland 1994 France
1994 England 1997 France 1997 France
1997 Germany 2000 Holland 2002 England
2004 Holland
NEW in 2011:
One of the latest BMX magazines and I mean BMX racing, not freestyle, is 2024 Bicycle Motocross Magazine from England. Johnathan Hearn and his staff is doing a great job. Besides the good articles, the pictures in this magazine are just great. Personaly this 24 Bicycle Motocross Magazine is my favorite (up and till today for sure, May 2012). Let's see if anyone can beat this project.
2012 England, 2024 BMX Magazine is top.
BMX Newspapers ánd Magazine world-wide from the early days, which made a difference.
Updated June 2012.
Ofcourse we will start with BMX magazines and papers from the USA, the country were BMX / Bicycle Moto-Cross as we know it, originated.
Bicycle Motocross Action was one of the first magazines I got a subscription on. This magazine started in 1976 and Bob Osborn was thé man behind this mag. Bob acted as Publisher/Editor, Windy was his Staff Photograher and Scot Breitahupt Associate Editor. Bob Haro got involved as Staff Artist. A unique magazine wiht good stories and fantastic pictures. Down below you can see how over time, the magazine changed, at first their logo from Bicycle Motocross Action into BMX Action and later on into GO, the rider's manual. At the time their saying was: BICYCLE MOTOCROSS ACTION = EQUIPMENT. And that it was.
December 1977 May 1982 April 1986
During time Bob Osborn became Publisher only and Craig "Gork" Barrette started as Editor. The Staff in all departments grew from about 11 people towards about 18 people.
December 1989 February 1990 April 1990
Around ending 80's Bob Osborn was Publisher and President of the company, Craig "Gork" Barette was now acting as Editor in Chief and Bob Haro was no longer involved as Stafff member, Chris "Mad Dog" Moeller became Editor Test Consultant.
BMX PLUS was another very important BMX magazine for the promotion and development of the sport as well as business. My first subscription is from 1979, but as far as I know BMX Plus did see the day of light somewere ending 1977 or early 1978. Jim Stevens the man behind this mag. and acting as Publisher. Mike Aquirre was Assisting Publisher and Advertising Director, well know Charlie Litsky (r.i.p.) acted as Editor of the magazine. Some of the other around 21 people working for this magazine were Mark Pippin and Bob Hadley.
June 1979 January 1980 January 1982
In 1980 the Staff of BMX PLUS expended. Jim Stevens remained Publisher and Mike Aguirre the Publisher Advertising Director, John Ker came in as Photo Prodcution man and Bob Hadley as Editor at Large. Other Staffmembers were Mark Pippin, Ernie Alexander, George Esser, Russ Okawa, Merle Mennenga and Charlie Litsky. As European Editor, Gerrit Does was added to the Staff. At the time PLUS Publications Inc. was lead by Jim Stevens as President.
December 1984 July 1988 September 1998
Later on in 1984 John Ker became Editor. Jim Stevens was no longer involved in BMX PLUS. Besides myself (Gerrit Does) another European Contributor was appointed, Don Smith from England. President and Publisher now was Roland Hinz and William R. Golden as Consultant and Founder.
In 1998 the situation was as follows: Mike Daily now was the Editor, John Ker the Contributing Photographer, Dennis West did Cover Design, Scott Wallenburg acted as Hi-Torque Ad Director and the magazine now was under (Daisy) Hi-Torque Publications Co. (already since 1984) with President and Publisher Roland Hinz.
Here some more magazine on BMX from the USA. You can also see how for instance "Super BMX" develops, changing their front page and such. You can also notice that during trhe 2nd half of 1980, BMX Freestyle is getting more and more popular, also in those magazines.
January 1979 Oct./Nov. 1980 August 1981
July 1982 April 1983 Summer 1984
October 1984 July 1985 December 1987
November 1990 Sept/Oct. 1996
From the beginning, besides BMX magazines, also BMX Newspapers were issued. Mainly the National BMX organisations in the USA started out with Newspapers, later on also some "independent" publishers joined them. Here an oversight during the years. The NBA (National Bicycle Association by Ernie Alexander - California) issued this newspaper for their members, NBA World.
August 1978 April 1978 NBA December 1978
The NBL (National Bicycle Association by George Esser - Florida) also started out with e Newspaper for their members: Bicycles Today. Later they changed to a magazine format. Also the ABA (American Bicycle Association by President Clayton John - Arizona) issued a newspaper for their members. Seen here the issue in which nthey celebrated the 15th anniversary of the ABA (1977-1992).
NBL December 1979 ABA December 1992 ABA December 1993
As we know now, the NBL seized to exist ending 2011 and actualy merged into the ABA. In 2012 the ABA decided to adopt a new name for the newly formed organization: USA BMX saw the day of light in 2012. Both NBL and ABA magazine stopped and a new USA BMX organization magazine was introduced called PULL - OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP MAGAZINE of USA BMX.
As you can see on the following pictures, the NBL changed the name of their newspaper from Bicycles Today in BMX Today. In the December 1999 (number 3 picture) issue the NBL celebrated their 25th anniversary (1974 - 1999) and it was during this years National Congress that founder of the NBL, George E. Esser was the first person to be inducted in the newly started NBL Hall of Fame.
NBL September 1994 NBL June 1996 NBL December 1999
Seen here a couple of BMX newspapers from countries world-wide: Canada, Africa, France and Australia
Canada 1983 South Africa 1983
AFB France 1984 BMX News Aussi 1985
Continue with BMX MAGAZINES world wide.
Last but not least we will go over BMX Magazines world wide from the eaarly days of BMX. Japan BMX Association, run by mr. Tadashi Inoue, was very active in the early dyas of BMX. In Belgium two (2) so-called nationla BMX organisations were active, the B.C.B. (mr. Albert Dekker) and the F.B.B. (mr. Armand Blondiau). Both groups had their own magazine as you can see down here.
1980 Japan 1981 Belgium 1981 Belgium
The NBL - USA changed their format of Bicycles Today and went from a Newspaper to a Magazine type publication
1981 USA 1981 BMX official 1981 France
1981 England
1981 France 1981 Holland 1982 Australia
1982 Belgium 1982 Chili 1982 England
1982 England 1982 France 1982 Germany
1982 Spain 1983 Belgium 1983 Germany
Withwhile mentioning is ofcourse the German BMX Special Magazine with special attention for the Spielberg film E.T. in which BMX bikes played an important role, which was very important for the promotion of BMX and BMX bikes. Allthough the South African BMX Federation wasn't yet a member of the I.BMX.F. at the time, due to the "Apartheid" policy, BMX was growing in South Africa and there even was a National magazine reporting on races and stuff.
1983 Germany 1983 South Africa 1983 Spain
1984 Chili 1984 England 1984 England
1984 France 1984 Germany 1984 Germany
1984 Holland 1984 South Africa 1984 Sweden
1985 England 1985 Holland 1986 Holland
1989 Mexico 1991 England 1991 France
1989 Australia 1989 Mexico 1989 England
1992 England 1992 France 1992 Germany
1993 England 1993 Holland 1994 France
1994 England 1997 France 1997 France
1997 Germany 2000 Holland 2002 England
2004 Holland
NEW in 2011:
One of the latest BMX magazines and I mean BMX racing, not freestyle, is 2024 Bicycle Motocross Magazine from England. Johnathan Hearn and his staff is doing a great job. Besides the good articles, the pictures in this magazine are just great. Personaly this 24 Bicycle Motocross Magazine is my favorite (up and till today for sure, May 2012). Let's see if anyone can beat this project.
2012 England, 2024 BMX Magazine is top.