Former BMX World Championship organizers, now involved in Golf sport
Since a bout one year ago, I have been in contact again with mr. Renny Roker, the former JAG BMX World Championship promotor/organizer (1978 – 1984). Long time we lost contact but through a co-incident we got in touch with each other. Renny now is very heavily involved in Junior golf sport and founder/organiser of the Teens on the Green concept (
As a matter of fact, also one of the original founders of the I.BMX.F. and organizer of the 1984 I.BMX.F. World Championships in Japan, mr. Tadashi Inoue from Japan, has been involved for a very long time in the PRO golf sport and more recently mr. Inoue is also active in the organisation of a Junior Golf World Cup in Japan.
As a middle man, Gerrit Does (also a former I.BMX.F. - BMX World Championship organizer) is now active as European representative for mr. Inoue concerning this Junior Golf World Cup. During May 2006, mr. Tadashi Inoue visited Holland and together with Gerrit Does, they visited Latvia to select players for the Junior Golf World Cup in Japan. Also the Latvian Olympic Committee played an important role in the realization of contacts in Latvia and Russia.
Two youth players and a guardian/coach per country are invited from Latvia, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and Holland to compete in Japan in November 2006. From BMX to Golf sport, this is how things can develop.
Update 2012:
After Ted Inoue and myslef visited Lativa and Ted went back to Japan, I learned somewhere August that same year that Ted was diagnosed with cancer. Pitty to say all plans had to be cancelled. At this time Ted Inoue is doing fine, still fighting the cancer, but it seems to be under controle for now. Wish you all the best brother Ted!